Saturday, June 28, 2014

Camp #Nanowrimo - we're packed and ready!

Starting on Tuesday, July 1st, this will be me and John. Well, technically we'll both be using computers, but we will be writing every day, working toward our respective goals. For the first time, we will be participating in Camp Nanowrimo.

What is Camp Nanowrimo?  It's a virtual camp for writers of all genres. Each writer pledges to write a certain number of words by the end of the month. My goal is 30K words, which should bring me pretty close to completion of the first draft of Louisiana Snowflake, a Dime Store Novel that takes place in 1906 and tells the story of how Mary O'Malley and Regan Worth are born. John's goal is 20K words, which will get him about to the halfway mark of a new Dime Store Novel we are calling The Reaper for now. His story takes place after High Rollers and will involve of the four main characters, in addition to a new character who feeds on spiritual energy. Whether she's a villain or a hero remains to be seen. We've been brainstorming her character for a few days and it could go either way.

What does this mean for our readers? It might mean that Louisiana Snowflake is  released a little earlier than we anticipated. It might also mean a slight delay in the release of Striking Angels. John is making good progress on the second draft, but he needs to step away and write something fresh. Camp Nano is a good time for him to do just that.

Do you want an early look at what we're writing? In August we'll share excerpts from both books to newsletter subscribers.  If you haven't signed up for our newsletter, take the time to do so now. You'll also receive a free copy of The Canary's Silence, a YA horror short story that is perfect for reading around the campfire.

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